The "B"

B stands for Becca (me!), a girl who grew up not unlike most people, being taught that success in life comes from a certain series of socially acceptable life choices. I was told that achieving a college level degree, getting a basic '9 to 5' job, and settling down to start a family of my own was the key to success and ultimately, happiness

I spent a majority of my life pursuing a pathway that wasn't meant for me. I found myself exactly where I was told I should be at the age of 25 with a steady '9 to 5' job, living on my own, and incredibly...unhappy. I couldn't stop thinking there had to be something else out there for me.

With every ounce of self confidence I had left, a lot of hard work, and a bit of courage, I dropped everything in my life that made me unhappy and set out to pursue my best life. I accepted a job as a flight attendant for a major US airline and re-discovered my inner wild and free through travel, food, music, and cultural experiences around the world. My hopes in sharing my experiences are to inspire you to pursue your passions and ultimately live YOUR best life. 

Want a more in depth story of how I got here? Check it out here.

The “Wild and Free”

So why wild and free?

Having a job I hated and a quarter life crisis (yes they exist) taught me a lot. I had spent my entire life trying to fit this cookie cutter mold of what I thought I should be rather than pursuing what I really wanted. It wasn't until I took control of my own life and relentlessly pursued my passion that I found true happiness.

I believe that once you FREE yourself from all limitations, the world is completely yours for the taking. If you take a hold of your life and pursue something with your whole heart and soul, you can achieve even your WILDest of dreams. Never tell yourself that you aren’t good enough, and never let someone tell you that either. The sky is the limit, and the world is yours for the taking!

So stop just existing and start living. Eat well, travel often, and come B WILD AND FREE with me!